Monday, September 2, 2024

"For...To" Reflections

"For not to us, not to us" was the battlecry you taught

"To the glory of GOD" became a banner for every war fought

For the witnessed countless scars and immeasurable tears of frustrations 

To the unfathomable outpouring in you of His unspeakable grace and interventions 

For the overlapping deadlines and tasks trying to kill your passion

To marvel from received simple gestures that rekindle your compassion

For those nerve-wracking preparations rendering you helpless

To those unbounded workings of the Spirit that leave us speechless

For those heartaches received from withered plant/s, dead fish and birds

To even piling collections of books with guilt of not reading even the thirds

For those planned vacations, projects and works that remained plans

To sudden long drives and getaways even we don't have spacious sedans

For even this poem you will find debatable why not use "from"

To me telling you this is just a style to pen my heart's hum

For I am always tongue-tied to see God working in your life

To that I will be forever thankful that God blessed me to be your wife

Four - two

Blessed 42nd, my beloved Best and GODsend


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