Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Response to A Note IN Authentic Beauty

Nard handed me the book Authentic Beauty by Leslie Ludy with a note which you can read here. He started with poetry and through poetry I will also express my heart:

Yes on My 29th on March 9

You gave me nine reasons for yes, hesitations also amount to nine
Let me put first the eleven years of friendship from the Divine
If things won't work out what will happen to that
Fear to lose this friendship envelopes my heart

Next reason is just my foolishness plus a pride
Thinking of my own words that affirm my friends there's no feeling inside
Will a nod silence their question if we are tied
Or will this bring further questions beyond my mind

I am not into a perfect family; you know our struggles too
My obligation holds me; you know that's true
You have been with me through it all
Too much shoulder you have offered; will I ask for more

In addition to that I have given you lots of cares
For financial stability is always my prayer
Again, you have bear them all with me
Can I, again, involve you into a greater degree

Let us add to the list this frail body I have
For you know my health is not in good tide
This puts me to another worry
Can I then be the perfect complementary

I know you since we are about five or six
If familiarity is one of the criteria that would fix
Yet this area of courtship is very unfamiliar to me
Though many think I know a lot about this LCM bee

I am not a perfect person; still sinner inside
I fear the whole of me especially if self is not denied
If that happens I am pushed to this last hesitation
Could I be an effective partner in your Single Passion

Lots of what ifs and why's fill my mind
I could have nine reasons to say "No" to thine
But when you assured that God's grace will suffice
Then my heart with you in His hands I entrust

In any way I can serve Him more, there I'll be
If that means with you then I won't flee
May God be gracious as He always is
In this new path I take as I told you "Yes"

An Extraordinary Birthday Celebration

It is always a tradition as well as a challenge to save the best for our (Nard and I) birthdays. We want our gifts and even preparations be surprised and this is the most surprising gift I received. He handed me the book I long to have though actually the book itself is not a surprise for he already informed me not to buy that book for he would do it for me. What surprised me is the note which you can read below:

March 9, Year 29, Reason 9

Farcical was I by the age of fourteen
When proposal I made to a girl from Palaming
I know the shame being under that chico tree
Don't laugh when now, to you, it's through poetry

My antecedents here are generally childish
Like a boy losing against Yuri's Skirmish
But please endure and persevere to the end
I am just setting the stage for my message to send

First, you know that we both are already tired
Of students and friends asking if we're tied
Instead of stepping through miles of NOT
At least it will already suffice with a nod

Besides, Finals is near and fast approaching
I need someone who will assist in the checking
I don't want Mel, Anj, and Stan making a grin
When my class records to them appear clean

Allow me to state that I need a potential refuge
From a skinny guy who maybe needs the dude Freud
Don't want him to think of an imaginary reason
That her beloved Jean Grey is my obsession

For this next item, I fear to be misunderstood
For I envy those whose kids are so good
Christine Joy already has two nice Añonuevos
While our bellies to pageants will surely lose

I am perplexed how they change their status much
Considering mine is the same since Game and Watch
I am curious and to this river I want a sip
And see in my Facebook, " a relationship"

"Why on my birthday?" is a question you may raise
But it's known that dates on my head can't place
For one brain cubicle, March 9 will save me
Less I forget and make you upset or even angry

Moreover, March 9 is a perfect pocket asylum
For anniversaries' expenses not being premium
It will be nine days after we receive our last pay
And we need to be thrifty until the sixth day

I guess you now find it hard to follow through
That reason eight states my pity for you
Because today, you are just a step down 30
Drawing nearer to the words of Carolyn McCulley

Your bestfriend you know even before second grade
You know there is no grim in these rhymes I made
Enough of making these tiring stanzas silly
For my mood changes, now I am drafting sincerely

The Lord taught me how to see Authentic Beauty
Eventhough, not like you, I don't read Ludy
I fully rest on the Bible's infallibility
Exciting me to see your charm even at fifty

In you, united are orthodoxy and domesticity
And even apologetics and catholicity
I can't help but appreciate you to be pretty
For the GOD of glory defines you as lovely

You may doubt, as an abstract noun, it's not superb
But I promise my love will be an active verb
Times will be testing but there is a GOD of grace
So won't you affirm and to courtship with me say Yes?


my answer is here
Copyright His Beloved 2011.